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They excluded videos that were too repetitive, off-topic, or in an alternative language. They also excluded videos with no audio. Quality scaleA study of the nice of sexual videos posted on the Internet has demonstrated that there is no single scale that identifies the good videos. However, certain qualities of videos might be assessed to decide which ones best meet nice criteria. The study also regarded the sources of the videos. The content and source of the videos were examined to choose if there were any correlations among the best scales. Procedures were performed in response to the Helsinki Declarations of 2004. A previous study found that participants rated video clips for their common best. The study covered 15 specialists who conducted interviews to be informed more in regards to the size of sexual excitement and best. Then, 15 experts designed a scale to degree these qualities and develop a corresponding event-level scale. The scale was then administered to a nationally representative probability sample of adults aged 18-60.

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